

UNIPRO Showcase Camp Student Code of Conduct

UNIPRO UK Limited (UNIPRO) wants all students to benefit from and enjoy their Showcase Camp experience. This Student Code of Conduct holds students at the Camp to a standard of behaviour both to protect the UNIPRO community, and to promote consideration and respect for individuals in our community in support of the mission of UNIPRO.

Students are expected to know and to follow all rules listed in this Code of Conduct, those listed in the Student Handbook, as well as rules presented by UNIPRO staff and those in positions of authority.

Acceptance of your offer of admission is subject to your agreement to follow the required procedures outlined in the UNIPRO Student Code of Conduct.

If you fail to follow the UNIPRO Student Code of Conduct or behave in a threatening or aggressive manner, or in a way that adversely affects other students, UNIPRO employees or contractors, or bring UNIPRO into disrepute through your actions, we reserve the right to remove you from the Camp. In such cases, the Fees will not be refunded.

UNIPRO is committed to fostering a positive and inclusive environment for all its student-athletes. This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations and principles that we believe will help maintain a respectful and collaborative atmosphere. By participating in our Camp all student-athletes agree to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Respect and Inclusion:
  • Treat all staff, coaches team members, opponents, and officials with respect, dignity, and kindness at all times.
  • Accept decisions made by coaches and officials with grace and without protest.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship on and off the field.
  • Avoid discriminatory behaviour or language based on race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristics.
  • Students shall not take part in or facilitate discrimination or use discriminatory language of any kind, including, but not limited to, discrimination based on gender, gender identity, race, national origin, ethnicity, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • Students are expected to respect other students and not to engage in any form of harassment or bullying in person or online. Harassment consists of conduct of any type (including, but not limited to, written, verbal, graphic or physical conduct) which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s experience in the Camp, or which creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning, residential or training environment.
  • Students are expected to act in a sensitive, considerate, and responsible manner at all times. Students are also expected to show respect for the rights of other students and UNIPRO staff.
  • UNIPRO requires students to uphold high standards of integrity. Students are expected to demonstrate a spirit of cooperation and exploration. Students must refrain from all forms of dishonesty.


  • Always give your best effort in training and during matches.
  • Strive for continuous improvement and support your teammates in their development.


  • Always conduct yourself in a professional manner, whether in person, on social media or in writing.
  • Refrain from engaging in personal attacks, harassment, or offensive language. No offensive language towards coaches, team players or referees will be condoned or accepted.


  • Always display good sportsmanship. Win with humility and lose with grace. Shake hands with opponents after the match.


  • Communicate openly and respectfully with your coaches, teammates, and opponents. Foster a positive and inclusive team environment.


  • Maintain a positive attitude and adhere to the principles of fair play.
  • Romantic or sexual relationships between staff members and students enrolled in or participating in UNIPRO Camps are prohibited. UNIPRO discourages amorous relationships between UNIPRO students as it may jeopardise the integrity of the Camp experience.
  • Students shall not engage in any form of sexual harassment in person or online. Sexual harassment, a form of gender-based discrimination, is any unwelcome verbal or physical behavior based on a person’s gender. Sexual harassment includes: unwelcome or inappropriate touching; threatening or engaging in adverse action after someone refuses a sexual advance; making lewd or sexual comments about an individual’s appearance, body or style of dress; conditioning opportunities on sexual favors; displaying pornographic images, cartoons or graffiti on computers, emails, cell phones, bulletin boards, etc.; making sexist, sexualized, or derogatory comments; taking and sharing images of other students without consent for the purposes of harassment or bullying.
  • Students are expected to respect property associated with UNIPRO and the accommodation providers. Students may not possess, duplicate, or use keys to such facilities without the appropriate authority. Students shall not engage in any unauthorised entry, use, or occupation of facilities used by UNIPRO. Students are expected to show respect for and take reasonable care of the residences, other facilities, and equipment and furnishings. Students shall not borrow, use or disturb items belonging to other students, staff, UNIPRO, or others without clear prior permission.
  • Students must attend all timetabled activities. On occasions where students are given free time they must adhere to instructions regarding meeting points and times.
  • Students must abide by UK law. Students shall not commit acts of violence on persons or property or threaten to commit any acts of violence. Students shall not tamper with or misuse fire alarms, firefighting equipment, or safety equipment.
  • Alcohol is strictly forbidden. No students, even those over 18, may not purchase, possess, or drink alcohol while participating in the Camp.
  • Smoking and illegal drug use are strictly forbidden. No student may purchase, possess, or use nicotine/tobacco products, vaping products, or illegal substances while participating in the Camp.
  • Students shall abstain from selling, purchasing, producing, or possessing for use any weapons, explosives, fireworks or incendiary devices.

7.Fair Play:

  • Play the game fairly and within the spirit of fair competition. Avoid actions that may harm opponents.


  • Foster a collaborative and positive environment. Encourage open communication and teamwork.
  • Embrace the importance of teamwork and collaboration.
  • Encourage and uplift your teammates, both in success and adversity.
  • Provide constructive feedback when necessary and be open to receiving feedback.

9.Privacy and Confidentiality:

  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others. Do not share personal or sensitive information without permission.
  • Protect and maintain the confidentiality of the UNIPRO Showcase Camp, seminars, welfare support and Personal Development Programme in accordance with our privacy policy.

10.Compliance Policies:

  • Adhere to all applicable Camp rules.


  • Take responsibility for your actions and their consequences.
  • Report any violations of this Code of Conduct in writing to info@uniprouk.com with a clear outline of the violation.

12.Conflict Resolution:

  • Resolve conflicts in a constructive and respectful manner.


  • Prioritise the safety and well-being of all UNIPRO Camp Students, staff and coaches.
  • Report any safety concerns or incidents promptly to info@uniprouk.com.

14.Social Responsibility:

  • Contribute positively to the UNIPRO and the wider society.

UNIPRO and members of the Camp staff act in loco parentis (“in place of a parent”) regarding all interactions with a residential student. This means the Camp staff functions in a parent-like capacity and the student is under the oversight of UNIPRO from the time they arrive until the time they depart at the close of the Camp term. Exceptions are only when the student has the documented permission of their parent/guardian(s) to be off campus for a special leave. UNIPRO will communicate information when necessary or appropriate about a student’s progress, welfare, safety, discipline, and any other aspect of the Camp experience to the student’s parent/guardian(s), faculty and staff at UNIPRO, and any other parties identified by UNIPRO.

Violation of this Code of Conduct and other rules for students outlined in the Student Handbook or communicated during the Camp may result in disciplinary actions ranging from loss of privileges to being sent home from the programme at the discretion of UNIPRO.

Parent/guardian(s) of students dismissed from the programme due to infractions of the rules will not receive any refunds. Upon dismissal, parent/guardian(s) of students must arrange, at their own expense, for the student’s departure within 24 hours.

All students will be asked to acknowledge and accept the terms of this code of conduct prior to the start of the Camp.

We believe that following these principles will contribute to a harmonious and supportive environment for everyone.