

UNIPRO Showcase Camp Health and Safety Policy Statement 


Statement of Intent

UNIPRO UK Limited (UNIPRO) is committed to the health, safety and well-being of our students and staff and others affected by our undertaking. This policy statement sets out how UNIPRO will meet that commitment.

UNIPRO will ensure that the health and safety objectives set forth in this policy statement are effectively implemented and that they are communicated to UNIPRO staff through induction training at the outset of each Showcase Camp (Camp). These objectives will be monitored and regularly reviewed in consultation with UNIPRO employees. This policy statement is supported by UNIPRO’s health and safety policies and procedures, which set out in detail the arrangements and processes in place to achieve the stated objectives.

Health and Safety Objectives

UNIPRO’s health and safety objectives are as follows:

  • Assess and control so far as reasonably practicable the risk to health, safety and well-being arising from UNIPRO camp activities
  • Aim to prevent accidents and Camp – related health concerns
  • Provide adequate health and safety training, information and instruction to all UNIPRO staff to ensure that they understand their responsibilities under health and safety policies and procedures and are competent to carry them out
  • Ensure that any work equipment is safe to use and in good working order
  • Establish emergency procedures and protocols in case of fire or other significant incident
  • Regularly review UNIPRO’s health and safety risk assessments, policies and procedures
  • Assess compliance with health and safety policies and procedures
  • Investigate where things go wrong to learn and prevent future incidents

Responsibility for Health and Safety

The Director of UNIPRO, Geraldine Jackson, has overall and final responsibility for health and safety and for ensuring implementation of this policy.

Director of Welfare and Support Simon Andrews has responsibility for ensuring the objectives set out in this policy are met, implementing the provisions of this policy on an operational level, and providing student health and safety updates to the Director.

All UNIPRO staff have a duty of reasonable care for the health and safety of their colleagues and of all UNIPRO students. Staff are required to:

  • Comply with UNIPRO’s health and safety policies and procedures and any training or instruction they are given in connection with their duties
  • Perform their duties without creating undue risk for other UNIPRO staff and students
  • Cooperate with UNIPRO management in promoting health and safety objectives
  • Report health and safety incidents to UNIPRO management in a timely manner according to established protocols
  • Communicate to UNIPRO management about identified risks to the health and safety of students and/or staff

Arrangements for Health and Safety

UNIPRO staff members are individually and collectively responsible for the development, implementation, and review of health and safety policies and procedures intended to secure the objectives set out in this policy statement. The arrangements to be provided for by the policies and procedures shall include but not be limited to:

  • Arrangements for the completion and review of relevant risk assessments
  • Arrangements for accident reporting
  • Ensuring the provision of adequate resources to support UNIPRO’s health and safety objectives
  • Ensuring the provision of work equipment and personal protective equipment
  • Considering health and safety objectives when making strategic business decisions
  • Engaging and consulting with UNIPRO staff on health and safety conditions
  • Ensuring adequate health and safety expertise and experience within the organisation through the provision of appropriate training, information, and supervision, and by sourcing external support where required
  • Investigating accidents and incidents to establish underlying causes and aim to prevent recurrences
  • Regularly reviewing, and amending as necessary, the UNIPRO health and safety policies and processes to ensure that health and safety risks are adequately controlled
  • Implementation of a system for monitoring health and safety compliance and for reporting to the Director on health and safety

Last reviewed: August 2024