UNIPRO Showcase Camp Participant Complaints Policy
UNIPRO is committed to the delivery of a high quality experience, and encourages feedback from participants when there is a case for improvement or a cause for concern. We will make every reasonable effort to deal promptly and efficiently with all complaints, to investigate them thoroughly and objectively, and to seek to resolve them satisfactorily. We will treat all complaints seriously and will deal with them without recrimination.
Participants are encouraged to raise any concerns directly with a member of UNIPRO staff, with the aim of resolving the issue directly and informally. UNIPRO staff are encouraged to refer students to a member of UNIPRO management team where appropriate. It is expected that the majority of complaints can be resolved through informal means.
Where it is not possible to resolve matters informally, or if a participant chooses not to raise the issue informally, the participant may submit a formal complaint via email to: info@uniprouk.com
The complaint should include a description of the issue, and any relevant documentation, dates, locations, and witnesses where applicable. The complaint should also indicate the participant’s desired outcome.
Participants are encouraged to make a complaint as soon as possible after the events or actions that prompted the complaint.
A member of UNIPRO’s management team will respond immediately to any concerns raised, consider the complaint and supporting documentation, and follow up with the participant.
Last reviewed: August 2024