
UNIPRO Showcase Camp  Terms and Conditions

  1. The purpose of these terms and conditions is to set out the basis for your relationship with UNIPRO (“we”, “us”,and/or “our”) in respect of enrolment on the Showcase Camp (“Camp”). The contract relating to you attending the Camp at UNIPRO is a contract between your parents (which term includes, as applicable, your parent/s or legal guardian/s) and UNIPRO. However, some of the terms of these Conditions require your parents to confirm that you will comply with some important policies, such as the Student Code of Conduct. We ask that you take time to read through these Conditions and the relevant policies and that you act responsibly in meeting the expected behaviours required of you.
  2. When your parents accept an offer of a place on the Camp with UNIPRO on your behalf, they are entering into an agreement with us under which UNIPRO is agreeing to provide you with a place on the Camp, and you and your parent(s)on your behalf agreeing to meet the Conditions of the offer. Your parents are also agreeing that they and you will comply with UNIPRO’s policies including the UNIPRO student code of conduct, and policies regarding student privacy; equality, safeguarding, healthcare and medical treatment, health and safety; and complaints.
  3. Please read these Terms and Conditions and the UNIPRO policies to ensure that you understand the commitment that you and your parents on your behalf are making. Your agreement with UNIPRO is made up of these Terms and Conditions, your acceptance of an offer of a place on the Camp, the Camp Information, and full payment of your Fees (see below).
  4. UNIPRO’s principal address is 2 Mobberley Road, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 8EF. You can contact us by writing to us by email at info@uniprouk.com or by calling us on +44 7503708454.
  5. If we have to contact you during the admissions process we will do so by writing to your parent(s) at the email address provided to us in your application.
  6. In the event that the provisions of these terms and conditions conflict with the provisions of any other documents forming part of the contract, you shall comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions.


  1. Your enrolment is complete only when UNIPRO confirms that we have received by the deadlines indicated in your offer letter (1) your signed Student Enrolment Form, (2) your non- refundable deposit, and (3) full Camp fees. Should you fail to pay any part of your fees after receipt of a final notice from us, UNIPRO reserves the right to withdraw our offer.
  2. You will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit via our website payment link, and full fees by the due date on our invoice. Where an application is submitted after the full fee’s payment due date, the deposit and tuition fees are due and payable seven (7) days from the date of our invoice. Full payment of the Camp fees must be made prior to the start date ofthe Camp. The due dates for payment of Fees mean that the Fees are received by us from your parents in full in cleared funds by such date. If payment is not received by the full fees due date, you have no right to participate in the Camp.
  3. Payment should be made via our approved payment provider Stripe, by Credit Card, BACS direct debit (UK only), Google Pay or Apple Pay, or Link. Our Finance Department will send you detailed instructions.
  4. Where an application is submitted after the full fee’s payment date, the deposit and tuition fees are due and payable seven (7) days from the date of our invoice. Full payment of the tuition fee is required by the due date stated in our invoiceand must be made prior to the start date of the Camp.
  5. Camp fees cover all football coaching, teaching activities, and practical sessions as well as Camp related travel, accommodation costs and meals; travel to and from the Camp outside of our specified airport pick-up/drop-off services is not included in this fee. Unless indicated otherwise, Camp Fees do not include any other services, including but not limited to, purchase of incidentals, health insurance or services, or other costs that might arise prior to or during the Camp. Any additional charges incurred by UNIPRO on behalf of a student will be passed onto the student’s parent, who will be liable to reimburse the full amount incurred by UNIPRO e.g. lost key cards, damage to their room.
  6. UNIPRO does not provide insurances to students, including travel, health, or personal injury insurances. UNIPRO recommends that parents of the students take out suitable insurances at own initiative and cost.
  7. All payments of Fees must be made in pounds sterling and are inclusive of VAT and other taxes where applicable. Any currency conversion costs or other charges incurred in connection with the payment of Fees are to be paid in addition to the Fees. No deduction from the Fees for such costs or charges may be made.
  8. UNIPRO fees are reviewed annually, however fees will not be amended from those advertised after enrolment.


Cancellation by You During the Cooling-Off Period

  1. You have the right to cancel enrolment with us for any reason (including if you change your mind) in writing and within fourteen (14 days) commencing the day after the date we emailed you to confirm we accept your enrolment (‘Cooling-Off Period’). You do not have to give us any reason for cancelling the enrolment.
  2. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us before the end of the Cooling-Off Period info@uniprouk.com of your decision to cancel this contract by way of a clear statement. Where the Cooling-Off Period would normally end on a day which is a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, the Cooling-Off Period will be extended so that it ends on our next working day.
  3. We will refund any fees paid without undue delay and in any event not later than fourteen (14) days after the date on which you inform us you are cancelling this contract.
  4. We will make the refund using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly asked us and we have agreed otherwise.

Cancellation by You (Other than During the Cooling-Off Period)

  1. If you wish to cancel your registration to the Camp after the Cooling-Off Period has expired, no refund will be made.
  2. UNIPRO reserves the right to provide you with a refund of Camp fees under serious, unforeseen circumstances, including but not limited serious illness or bereavement. The decision to refund Camp fees under such circumstances is at UNIPRO’s full discretion.
  3. We will make the refund using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly asked us and we have agreed otherwise.
  4. There will be no refund of the Camp fees if a Student withdraws from the Camp at any stage after the Camp start date.

 Cancellation by UNIPRO

  1. To ensure an optimal experience for our participants, there will be a minimum number of Students required for each Camp to run effectively (these may vary depending on the Camp). Therefore, when minimum course thresholds have not been met, UNIPRO reserves the right to cancel the Camp. Cancellations made in this circumstance by the UNIPRO will be communicated to Students as soon as possible and within 7 days of the Camp start date.
  2. If a Camp that you are registered with is cancelled or postponed then we will offer you the choice of a place on an alternative Camp at no additional cost in Fees payable. UNIPRO will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by you as a result of the cancellation or postponement of your Camp, (for example, in connection with travel, accommodation, reservation, or other arrangements).

COVID19 cancellations

  1. Staff and Students’ safety are integral to everything that we do at UNIPRO, and we will ensure we undertake all necessary risk assessments and precautions. Cancellations and refunds for Students relating to COVID19 will be considered on an individual basis. You may be asked to provide supporting documentary evidence, including medical evidence. The decision to refund the Camp Fee under such circumstances is at UNIPRO’s full discretion.


  1. If you are asked to leave the Camp as a result of disciplinary issues, non-payment of fees, or non-attendance, UNIPRO will not refund any Fees to you.


  1. UNIPRO shall not be liable to you for events outside its control which it could not have foreseen or prevented, even if it had taken reasonable care. Such events include, but are not limited to: strikes; other industrial action; severe weather; fire; civil commotion; riot; invasion; terrorist attack or threat of a terrorist attack; war (whether declared or not); natural disaster; restrictions imposed by government or public authorities; epidemic or pandemic disease; or failure of public utilities or transport systems.
  2. Should any such circumstances arise, UNIPRO reserves the right to change or cancel parts, or all, of the Camp. UNIPRO will take reasonable and proportionate steps to mitigate any adverse impact on you.
  3. Subject always to the previous paragraph, UNIPRO will make all reasonable efforts to deliver your Camp as described on the website. There may be occasions where due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances it becomes necessary to make significant changes to the Camp or to withdraw it or part of it, e.g. a particular session or activity. Such action could become necessary if for example, the following were to occur:
  • to reflect changes in the law and/or regulatory and/or professional and/or statutory body requirements and sector regulation as required by law, government policy, regulatory requirements or guidance and/or a
  • decision of a competent court or similar body;
  • to comply with any requirement set by the Home Office, Office for Students and/or any other funding or regulatory body;
  • changes must be made to reflect changes in standards set by relevant regulators and/or in keeping with best practice or developments related to the discipline/subject area;
  • to deal with unavoidable changes in our coaches and support staff;
  • an unanticipated external event or issue with the buildings results in disruption to delivery
  • unexpected low recruitment to a Camp means it is simply no longer viable or practical to run it.
  • any other valid reason.
  1. In the event that UNIPRO has to make significant changes to the Camp, it will make students aware of these changes as early as possible. If you are significantly and adversely affected by these changes and no longer wish to enrol in the Camp as a result of these changes then you may apply for a refund of the Camp Fee, which may be granted at UNIPRO’s discretion. UNIPRO accepts no liability for expenses or losses you or any third party may incur because of Camp cancellation.


  1. You are responsible for obtaining the required visa that enables your participation in the Camp and the rejection of a visa application by the British authorities does not affect the application of these terms and conditions. We recommend that all applicants check with the British Embassy or British High Commission regarding their visa requirements before applying.
  2. In no circumstances will we issue documentation to support a visa application before receiving payment in full in cleared funds of the Camp fees from you. Visa supporting letters are issued only to the participant and in our standard format.
  3. The cancellation and refund provisions above (entitled “Cancellation by you other than during the cooling off period”) shall apply irrespective of whether cancellation is due to a failure to satisfy visa requirements in good time before the Camp start date or other similar reason, such as failure to apply for a visa in appropriate time or delay with the visa process.


  1. Unless otherwise indicated, all Camps are taught in English.
  2. If your first language is not English, you are required to be proficient in spoken English and be able to participate in group discussions and presentations in English. We do not accept liability for any inconvenience or failure to attend if you lack the required English language proficiency, as specified in our Camp information.


  1. Acceptance of your offer of admission presumes an agreement to follow the required procedures outlined in the UNIPRO Student Code of Conduct and abide by UNIPRO policies.
  2. If you fail to follow UNIPRO’s Student Code of Conduct (including any of the policies referred to in the Student Code of Conduct), or behave in a threatening or aggressive manner, or in a way that adversely affects other students, UNIPRO employees or contractors, or bring UNIPRO into disrepute through your actions, we reserve the right to remove you from the Camp or exclude you from UNIPRO premises and/or, where appropriate, any accommodation provided to you by us. In such cases, the Fees will not be refunded.
  3. We will require parents of every student to sign a parental consent form confirming that the student can participate in the Camp and agreeing to the Student Code of Conduct.


  1. Save as set out in paragraph 12 of this document, we will use our best endeavours to deliver the Camp to you as it is set out in the course information.
  2. We will endeavour to resolve any issues, concerns, or complaints which you bring to our attention as efficiently and thoroughly as is possible in the circumstances.
  3. We will comply with all relevant legislation, which includes the Data Protection Act 2018, which is reflected in our privacy notice.


  1. Please note that UNIPRO (as well as students of the Camp) may from time-to-time photograph or make audio or visual recordings of students or activities in which the students are engaged. When enrolling on the Camp, please indicate your permission for us to do the following: (i) permission to use any photographs or audio or visual recordings of Student or activities in which Student is engaged that UNIPRO or students take in any media now known or later devised, without attribution or payment or any other consideration; (ii) permission to use Student’s first name and last initial, photograph, image, likeness, signature, voice, actions, and statements in such photographs or audio and visual recordings without payment or any other consideration; and (iii) the right and ability to alter, copy, display, distribute, edit, exhibit, modify, perform, publish or create derivative works of any of the photographs or audio and visual recordings, all for the purpose, and to inform the public about UNIPRO. UNIPRO will own all right, title and interest in the photographs or audio and visual recordings.


  1. All materials provided by UNIPRO in relation to the Camp (and any intellectual property rights in the same) are and remain the property of UNIPRO or, in case of materials belonging to third parties, of the relevant third party. UNIPRO will obtain the necessary allowances and licenses for materials used that are not the property of UNIPRO.
  2. Materials include all documentation or information provided by UNIPRO in relation to the camp, including but not limited to information provided on UNIPRO’s website, UNIPRO brochure, offer letters, additional information and others.
  3. Any use of any such materials and documentation other than in respect of the Camp requires the prior written (including by email) approval of UNIPRO.
  4. Students must not use any such materials provided by UNIPRO for any other purposes than the ones set out in these terms and conditions.
  5. Ownership of any intellectual property rights created by you will be determined by UNIPRO’s standard policies in relation to the ownership and protection of intellectual property rights created by students.
  6. Use of UNIPRO’s brand, name and/or logo for any reason other than in connection with the student’s participation on the Camp (as set out in these terms and conditions) is not permitted without prior written agreement of UNIPRO.


  1. Your parents will be solely responsible for determining whether the Camp is sufficient and suitable for your needs. We do not provide any guarantee in respect of the standard of your abilities on completion of the Camp. To help us enrol you onto the Camp, you must provide us with all information requested in connection with the Camp. You can contact UNIPRO at info@uniprouk.com with any queries about our Camp and its details.
  2. You and your parents understand and agree that Camp activities may involve known and unknown risks to Student and Student’s property, and that UNIPRO cannot guarantee the safety of Student or Student’s property. Any activities that Student may undertake in connection with the Camp will be considered to have been undertaken with Student’s and parents approval and understanding of any and all risks involved, to the Student and the Student’s property, which risks are willingly assumed by Student and parent.


  1. Nothing in these terms and conditions will limit or exclude the liability of UNIPRO for death or personal injury arising from our own negligence, or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
  2. Otherwise, our liability to you with respect to the provision of a Camp ; the cancellation, postponement, or amendment of a Camp; any negligence; any breach of these terms and conditions; any matters arising out of or in connection with the provision of accommodation to you; or any matters arising in any other way out of the subject-matter of these terms and conditions is limited to the total amount of Fees received from or on behalf of you in respect of the Camp.
  3. Further, our liability to you with respect to the provision of a Camp, the cancellation, postponement, or amendment of a Camp; any negligence; any breach of these terms and conditions; any matters arising out of or in connection with the provision of accommodation to you; or any matters arising in any other way out of the subject-matter of these terms and conditions will not extend to (i) any indirect losses or damages, or to any loss of profits, whether direct or indirect, even if we have been advised of the possibility of those losses or if they were within our contemplation; or (ii) any costs or expenses incurred by any person or organisation in connection with travel, accommodation, reservations or other arrangements.
  4. We do not accept any responsibility or liability in respect of any damage to or loss of any goods, vehicles, or property of any kind brought onto or left at UNIPRO’s premises whether by you or any other person and it is your responsibility (or your guest’s) to take good care of your personal belongings. Any goods deposited with us are deposited at your own risk and without any obligation on us. We recommend taking out insurance, as we do not provide any insurance cover to you.


  1. We shall provide accommodation to you whilst you are on the. Camp, and you agree to abide by and comply with any and all rules and regulations of that residence. In particular, you must observe all rules and regulations regarding health and safety and security and do nothing to compromise your own or other residents’ safety and security. You should also behave courteously to other residents, staff, and visitors at the accommodation. Please note that it is a requirement of the accommodation to leave the room in a clean and tidy state. If you do not comply with these requirements, you may be asked to leave the accommodation and we shall have no further obligation to provide you with such accommodation or reimburse costs.
  2. We do not accept any responsibility or liability in respect of any damage to or loss caused by you in breach of the relevant policies to UNIPRO premises, the overnight accommodation, or other third party premises or goods during the Camp. Your parents will be responsible for such costs, which we will pass on to them as applicable. We recommend taking out insurance, as we do not provide any insurance cover to you.


  1. Your parents indemnify, defend, and hold harmless UNIPRO and its officers, directors, members employees and agents against any cost or expense (including reasonable legal fees) arising from any and all actions, claims, proceedings, demands, losses, damages, expenses or liability whatsoever arising as a result of a breach, by you and/or your parent or guardian, of the breach of this contract or any of the policies of UNIPRO, or any reasonably foreseeable consequence of any act or omission on your part.


  1. You and your Parents attest that you are sufficiently well enough, physically and mentally, to participate in the Camp. If a Student has been unwell prior to the Camp, we ask that you make us aware prior to arrival so we can assess their suitability for the Camp and put appropriate support in place if required.
  2. You and your Parents’ consent for the Student to receive first aid from a trained First Aider, and/or for UNIPRO and its representatives to arrange medical treatment in the event of accident, injury or illness. Your parents are solely responsible for payment in full of all costs of medical care the Student may receive.


  1. If there is a problem with the enrolment process, or if you have any questions or complaints about our services, please contact us. You can contact us by email at info@uniprouk.com. Complaints will be dealt with in accordance with our complaints policy.


  1. UNIPRO may use your personal information in accordance with our Student Privacy Notice.


  1. This contract is between your Parents and UNIPRO. Nobody else has any rights under this contract, or to enforce any of its terms.
  2. If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
  3. Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment but we continue to provide the Camp, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.
  4. We may terminate your contract with us if we consider that you are in breach of any of these terms and conditions, which includes you persistently failing to comply with and Student Code of Conduct and UNIPRO’s policies or failing to comply with them in a serious way.


  1. These terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter of formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and you irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. If you are a consumer based outside of England, you may also bring proceedings in your local courts.

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between your parents and UNIPRO. No statements, promises, or representations have been made by us to you, or may relied upon, and the terms of this Agreement supersede any earlier written or oral understandings or agreements between us.

Student and Parent acknowledge that they have read this Agreement, understand its meaning and effect, and the Parent agrees to be bound by it on behalf of itself and Student .